Episode 14: Dr. Bradley Campbell on holistic medicine, getting deplatformed, and being the hero of your own journey

Episode 14: Dr. Bradley Campbell on holistic medicine, getting deplatformed, and being the hero of your own journey

Dr. Bradley Campbell is a holistic physician based in Chicago and founder of The Health Assurance Movement, a non-profit dedicated to "Robin-Hooding" healthcare back to the masses. 

In this conversation with Bradley we discuss:

  • What makes the holistic approach unique
  • The importance of being the hero of your own journey
  • How turning laypeople into community healers may be the answer to our broken system
  • The widespread censorship of doctors 
  • Germ theory vs. terrain theory
  • The power of going into nature
  • The importance of Vitamin F(un)!

Learn more about Dr. Campbell at drbradleycampbell.com, healthassurancemovement.org, and follow him on Instagram at @dr.bradleycambell.

Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.

Music by 
Chris Merenda

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