Episode 36: Dr. Rob Williams on breath as a super power, LSDD, and why 90% of us are breathing incorrectly

Episode 36: Dr. Rob Williams on breath as a super power, LSDD, and why 90% of us are breathing incorrectly

Dr. Rob Williams is the co-founder of Peak Flow, a breath organization that uses a holistic approach to respiratory training and peak performance. Dr. Williams is a certified Level 1 Wim Hof Method instructor, Buteyko Institute breath coach, Oxygen Advantage (OA) instructor, and certified BEMER representative.

In our conversation with Dr. Williams we discuss:

  • Why the vast majority of humans on the planet are breathing sub-optimally
  • How to test if you are among that group
  • The health impact of dysfunctional respiration
  • Why we need to breathe through our nose
  • How to go about reclaiming optimized respiration through habit building

...and more.

Dr. Williams also leads a short but powerful guided "LSDD" breath work session early on in the episode, so get comfortable!

Learn more about Dr. Williams at thepeakflow.com.

Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us using the Connect form.

Music by Chris Merenda

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