Episode 128: Terrain Transformation with Evan Transue

Episode 128: Terrain Transformation with Evan Transue

Evan Transue is a business owner, podcast host, and graduate of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. He also suffered from a variety of health challenges for decades, a suffering which led to serious substance abuse, all of which he worked to overcome in a remarkable Terrain Transformation.

In this conversation with Evan we discuss:

  • The symptoms that started when he was 5 years old
  • The numerous and growing list of formal diagnoses
  • How the physical health decline lead to mental health issues
  • His descent into drug use that eventually landed him on juvenile probation
  • The moment where he decided to turn his life around
  • How experimenting with diet and health food moved the health needle
  • The dangers of artificial lighting

...and more!

Learn more about Evan and his journey at EvanTransue.com or listen to his podcast the Health Detective Podcast.

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Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.

Music by 
Chris Merenda 

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